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Jack Thoreson Memorial Scholarship Foundation

The Jack Thoreson Memorial Scholarship Foundation was established in 2001 by the Family and Friends of John "Jack" Thoreson. 

Jack was born in Pierre, South Dakota in 1953. He and his family moved to Escondido, California in 1956. Growing up in Escondido, Jack excelled in sports and, early on, became very excited about Escondido High athletics.

Watching games, going to matches, reading the write-ups in the Times Advocate newspaper, pouring over the "Gong" yearbooks his older brothers and sisters had, he couldn't wait for the day he would wear the Orange and Black and be a Cougar! And once he did, rarely did anyone play with the swagger and toughness that Jack possessed.

Football, Wrestling and Baseball were his sports at EHS. With outstanding coaches and excellent teammates, Jack was able to rack up a wide variety of personal and team honors. League titles & CIF appearances were commonplace during his three years playing on EHS Varsity teams. Being named All-League and All-CIF also came to Jack. He was named Coaches All American Honorable Mention for his 1970 football season and was selected to represent California and played against Hawaii in the 1971 Aloha Classic.


Jack also went on to play Football and Wrestle at Palomar Jr. College. In football, he was named All Mission Conference for both his Freshman and Sophomore years with MVP Honors in football for his Sophomore year.

Jack, ever proud to be a Cougar, passed away in 1996, aged 43, leaving behind his daughter Deena, his extended family and many loyal friends.  In 2001, the Jack Thoreson Memorial Scholarship Foundation was established by those wanting honor his memory by assisting graduating Escondido High seniors to go on to college and continue their academic and athletic pursuits.

In 2011, Jack was inducted into the Escondido High School Hall of Fame.


Since 2001, Jack Thoreson’s memory has inspired $46,750 in awards to 50 worthy EHS recipients.



· Freshmen MVP and Team Avocado League Champs 1967

· Varsity Fullback Three Year Starter 1968, 1969, 1970

· Avocado League Champs 1968, 1969, 1970

· CIF Runner Up 1968

· CIF Co-Champion 1969

· CIF Semifinalist 1970

· All Avocado League 1st Team 1969, 1970

· All CIF 2nd Team 1969, 1970

· Started on Offense & Defense 1970

· Team MVP 1970

· Times Advocate’s Avocado League Player of the Year 1970

· Selected California All Star Aloha Classic 1971

· Coaches All American Honorable Mention 1971



· Four Year Varsity Letterman

· Avocado League Champion 1969, 1970 and 1971

· Runner-Up CIF Champion 1970, 1971



· 3rd Baseman

· JV Baseball 1968

· Varsity Baseball 1969, 1970. 1971

· Avocado League Champions 1969, 1971


10 Varsity Letters

· 3 Football, 4 Wrestling and 3 Baseball


After Escondido High


· California All Stars vs Hawaiian All Stars 1971 Aloha Classic

· Palomar College Starting Fullback 1971, 1972

· Palomar Outstanding Running Back 1971, 1972

· All Mission Conference 1st Team 1971, 1972

· Palomar Team MVP 1972

· Palomar Wrestling 1972

· Linebacker Coach, Palomar 1976

· Inducted into Escondido High School Hall of Fame 2011



2023 by JTMSF


Call us:

(858) 673-7392

17182 Russet St, San Diego CA 92127

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